MIRRA and AIMPLAS in Partnership with PIC, the Packing Industries Company, Collaborate to Pilot and Integrate Innovative Natural-based Biodegradable Plastic Mulch in the Jordan Valley. View HT...

Project AZMUD: Improvement of Mediterranean greenhouses performance using innovative plastic materials, natural additives and novelty irrigation technologies.
1. Plant heating on soilless systems based on the Joule effect
2. Semi-transparent Photovoltaic (PV) modules
3. Biodegradable agricultural film which lifespan > 3 months
4. Natural pesticides based on botanical extracts.
5. Encapsulated biopesticides with biopolymers.
6. Optimization of the crop productivity by using a magnetic technology.
7. Low Energy Drip Irrigation (LEDI) system.
8. Smart decision support system tool.
9. Establishing up to 4 training centres
10. To reduce up to 15% of crop production cost
MIRRA and SMARTWALL Collaborate to Pilot and Integrate Innovative Semi-transparent Photovoltaic Modules into Greenhouse Agriculture in Jordan. View HTML Newsletter...